To mock an Apex class
import getAccountInfo from "@salesforce/apex/CustomCtrl.getAccountInfo"
wireRecord() {
getAccountInfo(accountId).then(do somethings)
Create the jest mock.
() => { return { default: jest.fn(), } }, { virtual: true }
But mocked apex is called inside of @wire method, then getAccountInfo(...).then is not a function error is happened. Need to fix the mock as below:
() => {
return {
default: jest.fn((data) => {
let mockData;
if (data.accountId == "0000000000") {
mockData = [{
"Id": "0011700000xxxxx000",
"Name": "test"
} else if (data.accountId == "0000000001") {
mockData = [{
"Id": "0011700000xxxxx001",
"Name": "test1"
} // use Promise to mock getAccountInfo(...).then
return Promise.resolve(mockData);
}, { virtual: true }